Kabamby Ocean Jasper Palm Stone C - Chunky Large


Palm Stone C

Locality: Kabamby, Madagascar
Made in Madagascar

Note: Minor nicks, imperfections and natural pits may be present in some pieces.


  • Grounding
  • Safety
  • Earthy
  • Soothing
  • I am safe and well-supported by Mother Earth.


  • All


    It goes by many names - ocean chalcedony, spherulitic chalcedony, ocean agate.  Ocean Jasper is a type of trademarked Orbicular Jasper found in Madagascar and comes in a multitude of colours. It is typically green, white, yellow, red, pink, and sometimes blue or even purple. It is often referred to as the Stone of Atlantis because of its proximity to the sea and its elements are water and fire. The associated chakra depends very much on the colouring of the stone -

    Red / orange/ yellow = Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
    Green/Pink = Heart
    Blue/Purple = Throat / Third Eye
    White = Crown