About Us

Hello and welcome to Terra Joy! 

We want share our passion for crystals with you, regardless of your motivation for visiting today. You may be looking for a specific stone to add to your collection, or you may be curious about the properties of crystals. You may already have a great deal of knowledge about these miracles of nature, or you may be just beginning your journey towards working with gems, crystals and perhaps other elements such as color or essential oils.

Whatever your intention may be, you will always find ethically sourced products on our site.

As there is currently no formal regulation for ethical crystals, we believe that transparency in the supply chain is needed to determine ethical origin. Our vendors are mainly small family-owned businesses in Brazil who care about ethical practices as much as we do and support standards of fair trade and environmental sustainability. No child or slave labour is ever utilised. I think when we're using crystals for healing, we should care about where they come from. That way, everyone benefits, not just the end users. The provenance of your crystals will also impact on their effectiveness if you are using them for healing or manifestation purposes.

How Can The Source of Crystals Affect Their Use?

Crystals hold the memory of everything they have gone through, just as the cells in our bodies do, and if they are sourced in an ethical, positive way, their vibration will much more effective.

Firstly, we want to say that we do understand how some people may be sceptical about the efficacy of crystals. After all, the question “How can holding a lump of rock help with my splitting headache?” is a perfectly reasonable one to ask! However, if we look at some physics we can get a much clearer picture of what is actually going on when we access the power of crystals.

Every single thing in the known world/universe is actually in constant motion. The atoms and molecules that make up your body, the plant on your windowsill, the pen you write with, the food you eat (and every other thing you care to mention) are moving all the time. We cannot see this motion with the naked eye, but it is setting up vibrations of different frequencies as it happens.

Your thoughts and feelings are also a form of energy, and they set up their own vibration as they occur, along with your moods, intentions and any physical feelings you may have. When you come into contact with the wavelength that is vibrating at the same, or a similar frequency, the two resonances affect each other.

The best way to begin your journey with crystals is to visit an event or shop and handle the stones yourself. It is also possible to feel their effect on you by browsing online and making a note of the images that attract you. Above all, be guided by your intuition and have fun!