Here are some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) you may have. For shipping info, please click here.


We specialize in crystals from South America and we get them directly from suppliers in the region. We also work with a reputable supplier/manufacturer in China for crystals and high quality carvings not available from our South American suppliers.

There is currently no standardized regulation on what makes a crystal ethical. Therefore, it is up to businesses to decide what constitutes an "ethical" crystal.

In order to ensure the ethical origin of our products, we believe that transparency in the supply chain is needed. As much as we can, we source only from where the mines are located, from reputable suppliers with experience. Our suppliers are established small family businesses who care about ethical practices as much we do and operate under the principles of Fair Trade and environmental sustainability. In Brazil, where most of our crystals come from, our vendors make regular site visits to the mines and work closely with mining co-ops and local lapidaries to bring us the items that we carry in our shop. Jobs are created in the local communities where the crystals are taken and workers are paid fair wages. Almost all of the crystals are traceable to the exact mine from which they come.

Our Chinese supplier is a well-established crystal manufacturer that has been inspected, assessed and verified by top global third-party inspection institutions to ensure compliance to industry standards. We also take care to select only crystals that meet our standards for responsible sourcing. If you'll like to find out more about the selection process, please do not hesitate to contact us using the feedback form below.

Crystals in their natural state are usually flawed. As much as we can, we try to source for crystals that are as close to their natural state as possible. Our shaped stones are also not calibrated and come in different shapes and sizes. This should not be considered an imperfection.

Occasionally, resin may used to fill in cracks or holes in a stone. Softer stones may also be lightly treated with a protectant, but not always.

Our Natural Citrines are neither heated nor treated. They are mined, cut and polished in Brazil. Citrines with both good colour and clarity are rare. It is also high in demand, leading to many heat-treated varieties on the market. Naturally, genuine pieces command a high price.

Natural Citrine comes in a variety of shades. The colour can be anything from pale yellow to tea brown. Smoky Citrines are darker in shade but should ideally exhibit a warm/golden undertone. Some Smoky Citrine can also resemble Smoky Quartz and be cool-toned or exhibit a greenish tone. These are generally more affordable.

Beware of pieces with intense colouring as these are usually heated. Lemon Quartz is also often being sold as Natural Citrine.

Orange Citrine is what most people are used to seeing. It is actually heat-treated Amethyst. This is considered an acceptable practice in the gem industry.

Our stones are cleansed with at least one of the following methods: running water, sunlight or sage. In addition, all stones that arrive from overseas are cleaned with water and mild soap to remove any leftover dust and debris.

Contrary to some advice on the internet, it is perfectly fine to expose your stones (even photosensitive ones) to sunlight occasionally. It will take long-term exposure to direct sunlight to fade your Citrine, Rose quartz or Amethyst.

Common internet advice would also tell you never to wash your Selenite or Calcites. However, as long as they are highly polished, it is perfectly fine to give them a quick rinse.

No, they are not. However, our stones are ethically sourced, which makes them well-suited for the healing arts such as Reiki.

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and being intentional with our attention. This can be achieved with meditation or simply by focusing our attention on what is happening in and around us, at any given moment. Over time, mindfulness enhances our self-awareness in a positive way and increases our ability to relax and cope with daily stresses in life.

Crystals are a wonderful complement to the practice of mindfulness. Just by picking up or gazing at one brings our attention to the present moment. You can read more about the different ways to use crystals in mindfulness here.

Affirmations are mantras that help to us to overcome negative thoughts, boost self-esteem and encourage positive changes in our lives. You may use crystals to support these affirmations by selecting stones that are associated with the qualities you wish to develop. Crystals can be used to support intentions in the same manner.

Find out more about how to use crystals in your daily affirmations and intentions here.