Crystals for Mindfulness, Affirmations and Intentions

Marion B.

Posted on November 25 2020

Crystals for Mindfulness, Affirmations and Intentions


How Do Crystals Work?

There have been countless medical trials and involving placebos to leave us in no doubt that simply believing that you taking a drug can often have the same effect, on certain conditions, as actually taking it. However, you may be a little more skeptical about the power and efficacy of crystals and minerals. How can holding a lump of rock in your hand actually benefit you?

To answer this we need to look at physics and the known laws of the universe. Every single thing that exist in the known world is in a constant state of movement. Every thing is made of atoms, particles and molecules that are in flux, always moving, always having an effect on the atoms around them. Because we cannot see this movement with the naked eye we are largely unaware that it is happening.  If you want proof that solid matter is always moving, just look at a pane of glass from an old building. The stained glass windows of churches that have survived from the 15th Century, and even longer, are noticeably thicker at the bottom than the top. This is because the particles making up the glass have been slowly moving downwards since it manufacture.

It is customary to refer to this movement in rocks, minerals and gems as “vibration” or “frequency”. Your thoughts and emotions also carry the energy of vibrations or frequencies, so it makes sense that, because like attracts like, when you come into contact with something that is vibrating on the same or similar wavelengths, it will connect with you.

The Law of Attraction

The explanation above will also serve to describe what is known in metaphysical circles as The Law of Attraction. If your thoughts are positive, optimistic, confident and sure, you will attract towards you the resources you need to turn those thoughts into actions, which in turn lead to achievements.

Setting Your Intention

Whether you are wishing to manifest something concrete, such as more money, into your life, or whether you are looking for peace of mind and an end to mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, your endeavors will be amplifies and supported by choosing the appropriate crystals to support you.

Let us take as an example the subject of love. Let us say that you really desire to find your perfect partner and you are willing to put in the work to make this happen.

Firstly, you will need to work on your own Heart center and learn how to give love unconditionally to yourself. You must put your own health and well-being front and center so as to make sure that, when love comes along, you are able to recognize and embrace it fully. The best crystals to include in your self-healing work to attract love are those that help you to open your Heart center and to release any old or buried emotional traumas connected to receiving love from your own energy field.

Crystals such as Rose quartz are ideal for this as their vibrations are gentle and nurturing and their effects are not initially overwhelming. Working with Rose Quartz to open and heal your Heart chakra, along with Rhodochrosite, which is known as the stone of the compassionate heart. If you cannot forgive yourself, or show yourself compassion, you will find it very difficult to extend forgiveness and compassion to others. Rhodochrosite will amplify your intentions to heal old traumas, let go of old experiences and disperse feelings of bitterness or anger towards both yourself and others.

Creating Powerful Affirmations 

Simply repeating an affirmation constantly can have a profound effect on our unconscious minds. Staying with the intention above, formulate an affirmation using only positive language such as “I am loved and lovable. I love myself unconditionally” or whatever works best for you.

Supercharge the energies and effects of this affirmation by holding a crystal such as Amethyst or polished Malachite in your hand and sending the affirmation directly into its crystalline structure. Keep the crystal with you through the day, and each time you see it or feel it, repeat your affirmation silently to yourself. At night, place the crystal under your pillow.

Most people find that their attitude towards themselves begins to change for the better within a few days, and as you radiate self-love and confidence out, it won’t be long before the people you come into contact with begin to sense it. It is then that the alchemy begins!

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