Crystals and Chakra Healing

Marion B.

Posted on November 25 2020

Crystals and Chakra Healing


Base or Root Chakra

This centre governs our feelings of safety and security in the physical world, it also grounds us directly into the energies of Mother Earth and the physical planet. When it is out of balance or blocked you may feel disconnected or emotionally lost. You may be prey to feelings of fear and anxiety, or lacking in confidence.

Work on this chakra to dissolve any negativity from the area by using dark coloured stones such as Black Tourmaline, Hematite or Obsidian.  The colour of the Base chakra is a deep red, so crystals such as Garnet and Red Jasper, will also benefit this chakra.

Sacral Chakra

Our Sacral chakra governs our creativity and our ability to enjoy the pleasures of our senses, especially sexual pleasure. When this chakra needs attention we are often beset by feelings of guilt or shame, or we lose interest in pursuits we used to enjoy. The best crystals to aid in activating and clearing this chakra are orange or brown coloured stones such as Carnelian, Orange Calcite or Tiger’s Eye.These crystals are all excellent at absorbing negative vibrations and acting as a powerful cleanser of unwanted energies.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus is the seat of both bliss and fear. These two cannot exist in the same space, so in order to bring bliss into your life you will need to clear all of the vibrations of fear from this centre. This chakra is sunny and bright, and yellow crystals such as Citrine, Golden Healer Quartz and Yellow Calcite. They will bring positivity and optimism into your energy field and disperse feelings of fear and dread.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the seat of love and it needs to be in balance, open and clear if we want to begin, and maintain, loving, happy relationships with others. The crystals most closely aligned with the vibrations of the Heart chakra are pink or green in colour. Use Green Aventurine to soothe heartaches, and Rose Quartz to support and nourish your supply of love.

Throat Chakra

Human happiness depends on us making loving and meaningful connections with others. For this to happen, clear and authentic communication is vital. The Throat chakra governs communication on all levels, not just verbal. We need to care for our Throat chakras for our own well-being too, and be aware of when we are either telling ourselves lies, or indulging in critical self-talk.

Use Sapphire, Larimar or Amazonite to help you let go of old or unwanted beliefs and to empower you to speak your own truth without fear or compromise.

Third Eye Chakra

Located between the eyes in the centre of the brow, your Third Eye chakra governs your intellect, insight, wisdom and spiritual connections.  When it is working at optimum levels you are able to ground your spiritual and intuitive wisdom into your physical body and to make discerning choices in all situations.

The best crystals to aid you in opening and clearing your Third Eye are blue or purple in colour. Amethyst is a popular choice for working on this chakra because of its protective and enabling qualities.

One of the most effective crystals for third eye work is Dumortierite. It can help to dispel any psychic blockages and gently open up your psychic, spiritual, intuitions and abilities.

This crystal can also be used to work on the Throat Chakra, cleansing negative self-talk and allowing you to speak out when you see the need to defend yourself and others.

Crown Chakra  

This chakra is responsible for our connections to the Universe, the Divine, and to altered states of consciousness. It is through this chakra that we spin cords to bind us to the immense power that exists in the cosmos for healing and for growth and development as human beings.

When working with your Crown chakra it is important to be aware of the enormous power for good that you hold inside you, and to allow any thoughts, messages or insights that come up to have a place in your consciousness.

Use stones that are either clear, white or light blue/violet when you wish to access the power of your Crown chakra. You may use Clear Quartz, which is Universal Healing stone, Selenite, which has a very gentle, feminine vibration or Amethyst, which helps to protect you as you do this important work.

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