Amethyst Tumbled Stones


150g (about 8 pcs or more)

Locality: Bahia & Para State, Brazil
Made in Brazil

Note: Lightly polished & untreated (not waxed or oiled). Almost all pieces contain irregularities such as dents, pits and nicks. These are perfect for healing work and other non-decorative purposes. 


  • Wisdom
  • Intuition
  • Meditation
  • Tranquility


  • I am calm and relaxed.
  • I am guided by divine wisdom.
  • I am filled with creativity.


Third Eye & Crown


Amethyst is a stone of wisdom, spirituality and creativity. It has been revered throughout history by cultures around the world for its beauty and restorative qualities. It soothes and balances emotions, calms passions, and promotes relaxation and tranquility. Meditate with this stone to bring clarity of mind and raise spiritual awareness.