Tiger Eye / Tiger Iron Tumbled Pieces
Locality: Prieska, South Africa / Minas Gerais, Brazil
Made in Brazil
Note: This batch consists of Tiger Eye (South African) & Tiger Iron (Brazilian). May contain irregularities. Best suited for energy work & other non-decorative purposes.
- Courage
- Willpower
- Protection
- Commitment
- Confidence
- I have the power to overcome all obstacles.
- I am protected against all negativity.
- Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Since ancient times, Tiger Eye has been used as a talisman against evil, bad luck and ill-wishing. It activates the first three lower chakras to offer protection, courage, confidence, willpower, and commitment to see a task to completion. It is a stone of mental and physical fortitude and is frequently used for manifestation of wealth or career success.