Wealth & Abundance - Small Crystal Grid Set


You will receive one Wealth & Abundance - Small Crystal Grid Set. Stones selected will be similar in size and quality as pictured.


The Wealth & Abundance Crystal Grid contains lower chakras stones that encompass the qualities of self-confidence, positivity, good luck and abundance. Use these stones in a grid to enhance your intentions relating to career, finances, home ownership and material possessions. 


This full set comes with:

  • 15cm Flower of Life grid board made of eco-friendly Chinese basswood ply
  • 1 Peruvian Pyrite cluster
  • 3 Tiger Eye tumbled stones
  • 3 Green Aventurine tumbled stones
  • 6 Raw Crystal/Clear quartz points
  • Instructions included

All stones are 100% natural, ethically sourced and made in Brazil (the Pyrite is mined in Peru and sourced from Brazil).