Judy's Jasper / Eye of the Storm Points



Locality: Bahia, Brazil
Made in Brazil

Note: This stone is lightly polished and untreated. Some pieces may contain both smooth and textured areas - this is completely normal. 


  • Strength
  • Grounding
  • Healing
  • Peace
  • Clarity
  • I am safe and calm.
  • I am strong, and capable of overcoming all obstacles.


  • All


    Named after Judy Hall, author of many crystal books, Judy’s Jasper is known also as Eye of the Storm. It occurs in a combination of colours such as green, red, yellow, blue, pink and earthy tones of cream and brown. When it is mostly dark green and red, it is referred to as bloodstone.

    Judy’s Jasper is a soothing stone which shields us from negative influences and encourages objectivity in any situation. Its dark green rays soothe and stabilise emotions,  bringing peace and clarity of mind. It is a healing and grounding stone that instils a sense of safety and security.

    The redder variety energizes, promoting self-confidence and action.