Natural Brazilian Citrine Tumbled Chips



Locality: Coronel Murta - Minas Gerais, Brazil 
Made in Brazil

Note: Colour range from very pale yellow to smoky. There are 100% natural and untreated and may contain nicks, dents, pockets, etc. Beautiful stones best suited for energy work. 


  • Wealth
  • Abundance
  • Manifestation
  • Confidence
  • Motivation
  • Positivity
  • Success


  • I am filled with light, joy, optimism and confidence.
  • I attract wealth, abundance and success with ease.


  • Solar Plexus


Citrine is the primary stone for wealth, abundance and manifestation. It is crystallized sunshine, radiating positivity and uplifting mood. Natural Brazilian Citrine comes in different shades, ranging from pale yellows to smoky brown. It is often paired with other yellow and green stones to manifest abundance and success.