Raw Crystal / Clear Quartz Laser Points



You will receive a 6-piece set for gridding.

Locality: Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Note: All-natural. These are raw pieces that have been broken off from their matrix and may have sharp edges. We will try to select pieces that match closely in length and width but they will not be exactly the same.


  • Clarity
  • Purity
  • Magnification


  • I am healed in my body, mind and spirit.
  • I am filled with positive energy.


  • All


Clear quartz is a versatile stone with many uses, from modern day applications to holistic healing. It is known as the “master healer” and is used for clearing and aligning all chakras. It is also widely used as a tool for meditation, manifestations and intentions. Clear quartz readily absorbs energies and must be cleansed frequently to prevent stagnant energy from accumulating.