Manifest Your Intentions With Crystal Grids

Marion B.

Posted on February 22 2021

Manifest Your Intentions With Crystal Grids

Crystal Gridding

We have touched briefly on the practice of creating grids or mandalas with crystals in the article on sacred spaces.

It is best to create your grid in a place where it will not need to be moved or disturbed for a while, so the “altar” or flat surface within your sacred space is a good choice. However, do bear in mind that crystal grids can be as simple or as complicated as you want them to be, and you may want to place your stones in different patterns every time your use them.

On the other hand, you may want to spend some time creating a more intricate design, which you infuse with your intention every day for set period of time.

Crystal grids can be used to support you in meditating, in healing your body, enhancing your spiritual development and improving your emotional and mental health.

How to Make A Crystal Grid

It is not difficult to create crystal grid as, at its simplest, it consists of a pattern of crystals placed on a flat surface. Our shop carries a basic Flower of Life Wooden Grid Board that comes in three different sizes. If you’re on a budget, you can also download patterns from the internet and print them off, or you can use your own creative and intuitive abilities to create your own design. No one way of building your grid is better than another.

The main thing to remember when crystal gridding is that the idea is to create a symmetrical design, using stones that align with your intention or purpose. To do this you could begin with a central stone, usually larger than the rest, and work from the center of the pattern outwards, either in a spiral or in concentric circles.

What Can I Use Gridding For?

There are a wide variety of uses for crystal grids and, as you begin to create these beautiful images you will find that you become more familiar with the vibrations and properties of all of the stones you use. 

The act of creating your pattern, using beautiful examples of crystals, rocks, minerals and gems is incredibly beneficial to your own wellbeing, so take the time to enjoy the process and to appreciate your finished product. As you pick up and examine the shape, texture and color of each stone be aware of your intentions for your grid and telepathically let the crystals know what you intend for this pattern.

Physical Healing

If, for example, you want to tackle a recurring health problem, such as headaches, back ache or other minor condition, hold the image of the pain melting away as it is dispersed by your chosen crystals. Staying with the example of headaches or migraine, the first thing to do is to look at the crystals recommended for this type of physical healing.

Amethyst and Rose Quartz are popular choices for dealing with migraine. Rose Quartz has a gentle, loving vibration that is quite maternal in nature and helps to soothe the pain and alleviate any fears you may have associated with the headaches. Amethyst has a slightly more dynamic vibration and brings in the energies of cleansing and clearing. Amethyst can also help to support you during an actual attack by calming the muscular tension around the eyes, brow and scalp which often accompany the onset of migraine.

Sodalite or Dumortiete/Blue Quartz may also prove useful in a grid of this kind as it helps with vertigo and nausea. Other choices to include in your grid are Clear Quartz, Amazonite and Citrine.

Manifesting Your Desires

If you wish to create a grid to help in your manifesting work you will probably want to include a different set of crystals. There is no set pattern or formula for the placement of the stones, but it may well be that your intuition tells you exactly where to place each one.  Never be afraid to alter your designs. That is all part of the fun of creation!

Let your crystals know what you want to manifest as you place them into the pattern. If wealth or financial security is your focus, choose stones such as Citrine or Pyrite and combine them with amplifier crystals to boost the energy of the entire grid.

Quartz Wands or Points 

If you find that creating and working with crystal grids is something that gives you joy, you might want to consider building a collection of “basic” stones that can be used in almost any combination.

The most versatile of these is Clear Quartz, although any form of quartz is very powerful and can be used to either attract or deflect energies within your grid.

Double-ended pointed crystals can be used to create a continuous flow of energy within your crystal grid and are best used in a “wheel” like formation, with the wands providing both the spokes and the outer rim of the circle.  

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